
See this list of all Oregon State Seaplane Regulations.

Seaplane Bases within 200 miles of Portland Oregon

Seaplane Bases within 200 miles of SanFrancisco, CA

Pacific Highway for Seaplanes is a document Dave Wiley put together, describing where to stop when flying between San Diego, California and Canada. We would like to hear from any of you who can validate any of this information for present day use. We will post updates on this page, as we get them. Send e-mail to CSPA Webmaster.

Lake Owyhee, Oregon

If you have floats you can camp just about anywhere on the reservoir, if on wheels Pelican Point is probably where you will want to hang out. “The best information we have on camping at Lake Owyhee is found in our Resource Management Plan (RMP), which can be found on our Pacific Northwest Region website. To summarize, dispersed primitive camping is allowed around the lake shoreline, though it is encouraged in some places and discouraged in others.  See p. 6-33 in the RMP for specific details on sites around the lake. Pelican Point was proposed for some level of development, however very little has taken place due to lack of funding and partners to manage it.  It is still a good place to camp and gets some fly-in use on the strip.  As I mentioned on the phone, Owyhee is a great place for a relatively remote fly-in experience.”

Steve Dunn
Natural Resource Specialist
USBR Snake River Area Office
213 Collins Rd.
Boise, ID 83702-4520  
(208) 383-2222

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