Access Advocacy

Waldo Lake       Oregon LakesRAF   

Oregon Admission Acts
Oregon Admission Acts

According to Dave Wiley, the bottom line to seaplane access is, We’re trying to get a seaplane to be viewed as just another boat that’s on the water, and to be legal wherever powerboats are allowed. That’s how the Coast Guard rules have always been.We just need other federal agencies to recognize this. … We need the FAA, the Army Engineers, FERC, and the BLM to recognize the basic nature of seaplanes…

For more background and insight, you can read an interview with Dave by Aron Faegre.

Oregon Department of Aviation - Seaplane Operations

Seaplane Environmental Issues

Promote sustainability – drive floatplanes not cars

The efficiency and earth friendliness of seaplanes discussed . . .                  

Oregon Sate Marine and Aviation Regulations 

       Keep a copy in your plane, you may need to educate a river patrol or ranger.

Seaplane Pilot Association Logo

 CSPA’s legal efforts to maintain waterway access is supported by member donations and the national Seaplane Pilot Association, located in Lakeland, Florida.

Waldo Lake Access

Missouri River Access

Forest Service Supports Backcountry Strips
Early this month, the Chief of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) signed a directive asking its managers to support aviation, citing backcountry airstrips as “an appropriate use of National Forest System lands.” The USFS policy statement called for an inventory review and maintenance of USFS-controlled aviation-oriented facilities. And it drew positive reaction from the Recreational Aviation Foundation (RAF), which declared the action a result from meetings between the two groups. The RAF promotes aviation as a low-impact, high-reward activity for national park lands in that airstrips require minimal disturbance of the natural landscape and serve as trailheads for remote areas. RAF president John McKenna said of the directive, “We look forward to building on the partnership and the trust this document brings forth.” The foundation already has some such programs in place.

The RAF promotes volunteer pilot involvement programs to help with maintenance of airstrips and development of cooperative relationships between pilots, USFS officials and other organizations. For more information on the RAF, visit its Web site.

Recreational Aviation Foundation (RAF)

Visit the RAF web-site and read about how you can help keep our national forests open to aviation recreation.

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