Airway Science for Kids is asking for your support!

The Airway Science for Kids program in the Portland area has been making great efforts to educate young people about possible future opportunities in the aviation industry. Multiple programs are teaching kids about the basics of flight, how to build airplanes and what careers might be of interest to them.  A.S.K. helps Portland public schools with classroom curriculum. Teen Flight mentors help teens build airplanes, they can ultimately fly.  A.S.K. also facilitates tours in various aviation related businesses. You can learn more about A.S.K. on their website at

CSPA is seeking your personal and or your business support for the many A.S.K. programs. Please consider donating directly to A.S.K. on there website

feel free to contact Aron Faegre, with any question you may have.

email Aron
or call (503) 880-1469

Thank you for donating as much as you can to A.S.K.

Most sincerely,
Aron Faegre, Vice President of ASK
Cliff Gerber, Board Member of ASK

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