
Aero Bridge

Aerocet Floats

Airport Facility Directory

Alaska Airmens Association

Alaska Department of Transportation

Alaska Weather Cameras

Alaska Public Lake Cabins


Aviation Weather

Aviators Model Code of Conduct  www.secureaviation.orgAviation Sayings
Bird Aviation Museum

British Columbia Floatplane Association

Canadian Bushplane Heritage Center

Canadian SPA

CAP, Alaska Wing Headquarters

Chesapeake Bay Seaplanes

Columbia Seaplane Pilots Association


Experimental Aircraft Association Emergency Volunteer Air Corps

Flight Safety Foundation

Flight Standards Service Advisory Circular Home Page


Fort Langley Air in Britsh Columbia   www.fortlangleyair.comGerber Design LLC

 Google Earth 3D Airspace download KMZ file from

Grumman Albatross History

Gleim Seaplane Rating Course Click this

Kerr Avionics

Lake Tahoe Seaplane Ops

Maryland SPA

Minnisota SPA

Montana Still Water Landing Pilot Association

Montana Seaplane Pilots Association

National Safe Boating Council www.safeboatingcouncil.orgNational Transportation Safety Board

Oregon Department of Aviation – Seaplane Rules
Oregon Pilots Association
Oregon State Marine Board
 Pioneer Log Homes of BC
RAF – Recreational Aviation Foundation


Salem Flight Training at

Seaplane Pilot Links

Seaplane Pilots Association   Calendar
   SPA information by state
   SPA information specific to Oregon

Seaplane Pilots Association Information BLOG

Seaplane Pilots Association Australia

Speedi Wings and Wheels

Trade-A-Plane Online

University of Alaska Anchorage – Aviation Technology Division

Washington Seaplane Pilots Association

Washington State Dept of Transportation Airport Web Cams

Washington Seaplane Pilots Association Yahoo Group Forum

Women In Aviation

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Cape Town, South Africa