Seaplane Notes

“Seaplane Notes” is a series of articles about the unique aspects of seaplanes. We invite others in the seaplane community to submit papers by e-mailing to  .

ACRP Building and Maintaining a Seaplane Base

This amazing report is the synthesis of all currently available information about the use of seaplanes in the public areas.

It’s purpose is to educate and motivate the construction of more publicly available seaplane bases.

We hope you read it and refer to it while building a seaplane base near you.


Seaplane Note: #1
The Enormous Carbon Advantage of Seaplanes
by Aron Faegre
October 12, 2010

Abstract: Seaplane basic infrastructure consists simply of the natural system of rivers, lakes, and wetlands that are used also used by other fish, birds, and biological organisms. Automobile infrastructure generally involves removal of wetlands and forests, placement of asphalt, and then long term maintenance of the asphalt and associated highway elements. The operating carbon impact of seaplanes and automobiles are similar. However, when the carbon impact of the infrastructure is included, seaplanes are found to have approximately half the carbon footprint of automobiles. read more…


Seaplanes and Boats
Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa