Click this to read the CSPA Petition to the Oregon Court of Appeals

See new 2010 OSMB law 250-020-0221 “…Use of internal combustion motors in boats and floatplanes operating on the surface of Waldo Lake is prohibited year round.”

Listen to the Oregon State Marine Board’s
controversial 1/14/2010 decision to ban motors on Waldo Lake.This above yellow highlighted text links to a sound .WAV file that should play by double clicking it. – You can right click the above text and select “Save Link As” to save it to your computer. It is a large file at 60mb, so it will take some time to download. – The OSMB members had interesting perspectives to share just prior to the pre-determined vote.

Seaplane association reimbursed for legal expenses in successful court fight
The Register-Guard Jan 15, 2010
— CSPA January 2010 eBull-a-Ton —
RAF letter by Chuck Jarecki ti OSMB
Read all about Waldo lake in the May 2009 Bull-a-ton
US Forest Service regulations
“A decision to manage motorized recreation activities on Waldo Lake and its undeveloped shoreline was made by the Forest Supervisor on April 1 2007.
That decision was litigated. While we await the judge’s final decision, gas motors and float planes will continue to be allowed until further notice.”

Waldo Lake 2008 (note seaplane shadow on bottom of crystal clear lake)
Waldo Lake – September 2009
Waldo Lake – September 2009
CSPA’s legal efforts to maintain waterway access is supported by member donations and the national Seaplane Pilot Association, located in Lakeland, Florida.